- Giltebe!
- Filmvisning: Muségata 2 av Kristin Tårnes
- Urfolksperspektiver på land og identitet: filmer fra Turtle Island og Sápmi
- Skeiv uke Levanger: Filmvisning “HVA ER EN KVINNE?”
- Byutviklingsverksted 2022
- Dalvebe* forskningsstasjon Lievenge, Levanger
- Figuring Fallow Time
- Framtiden bygger vi sammen
- Jorda bind
- Kantinekino med Prerna Bishnoi
- P1 – et mobilt atelier for kunstnere i skolen
- Den norske idealstaten
- PARK. “…of the Commons”
- Kantinekino og Aleksander Johan Andreassen
- Of Homelands and Revolution – CREATIVE TIME SUMMIT
- Så i asken, slik at ingenting går tapt
- Lessons for Landscapes #1: Visit Nature
- Landscape #2
- Trøndelagsutstillingen
- Art Production in Restriction. Possibilities of Transformative Art Production and Coalition-Building
- Solsang
- Prosjektkontor
- Sub City
- RAKE – Emilies hus
- Komposisjon for Maskin og Skulptur
- At Any Given Moment
- Red Winter
- The Silent Speaker. Part One: The Curtain
- Deep Sites
- Levanger Kino Project
- Deep Sites
- Mønster
- Konstnärshemmet
- Å forbløffe Paris med et eple
- Scene for Storholt, Stenshjemmet, Stensen, Sjøbrend og Stensland. Og Knut Knudsen.
- Dalvedh* Forskningsstasjon # Levanger
- Any Where out of the World, del 2
- Any Where out of the World, del 1
PARK. Reader
PARK.Reader is an ongoing compendium to the public art project ‘PARK.’ that re-familiarises the commons and opens up new potentials for commoning, in anticipation of a future public park in Levanger. Currently in a digital form at www.park.levart.no , it consists of a constellation of texts written as reflections, theoretical expansions and companions to the commissioned art projects and events at LevArt. The publication, in its process and distribution, creates opportunities to study the complexities of commons as shared resources and knowledge, as social struggles for equality and dignity, revisiting questions on ownership, collaboration and caretaking, through contributions by writers from across the world. The publication will be available both as a downloadable ebook under the Creative Commons license and as a print edition; multiple texts will also be activated through reading groups and performances.