Skeiv week Levanger:  Film screening “ What is a Woman?”

13 – 15 Sept 2022
Marin Håskjold



You can watch the prize-winning short film «What is a Woman?» at LevArt during Skeiv Uke ( Pride ) in Levanger. 

13–15 September 14.00–17.00 
15 September 11.00 talk with Marin Håskjold

Welcome, admission free!
(School classes and groups can contact us for visits outside of opening hours.)


A discussion occurs in a woman´s locker room when someone asks a transgender woman to leave. One in the locker room means that woman is something that you are born as and not something you can become. The discussion escalates continuously as more people interfere. Everyone with different thoughts about what a woman is.    

“The characters and the script for the film hail from comments and articles shared on a secret Norwegian feminist discussion-group on Facebook. Here, issues concerning gender and trans rights brought forward philosophical questions inscribed in societal structures dictating our everyday life and behaviour regarding the perception of our bodies. The film asks: Who can define who is a woman and who is not? Is gender biologically or socially conditioned?

Håskjold works with improvisation and intuition, instead of a classic manuscript, to shape dialogues for further investigation, and to create complex characters to sharpen issues at stake in identity and gender related issues. ( )


Marin Håskjold (Trondheim 1993) is a Norwegian artist and a film director. Håskjold studied moving images at the Nordland School of Arts and Film in Kabelvåg on the Lofoten Islands, and art at Tromsø Academy of Contemporary Art. Håskjold is working whit topics such as gender roles, alienation and sexuality.Identity is a central theme in Håskjold’s work, which is often grounded in theoretical or philosophical questions related to feminism and gender.

Beste kortfilm AMANDA, den norske filmprisen in 2021
Beste kortfilm
Austin Gay & Lesbian International Film Festival
Beste norske film Den 33. Minimalen Kortfilmfestival
Naturalistic performances and smart writing bring this film to life. Creating an everyday situation that feels so real, this director questions the judgements that are made based on appearances and how we as individuals not only react in these situations, but also how we can be better humans.



You can buy the poster here.